First and foremost:
- Write. If you love it, then write. Without the fear of THE EXTERNAL. Write fearlessly, and for yourself
- Learn. You are never "done". Writing is an art, but also a craft. Take the time to study it
- Read. Loads! Reading is the life-blood of any writer. You'll find a well of inspiration, joy and fuel between those pages
- Relax. Get out of your own head. Go for walks and take time to live
- Imagine. Forget the teachers who told you off for daydreaming in class. You have a legit excuse now!
- Faith. Don't quit and don't let put yourself down. Believe with a fire that won't die that you can do it
- Dream. Go to bed every night imagining what you want. Your story completed. Your dream agent signing you. A book deal.
- Tough. Have thick skin. Rejections and critical opinions will happen. They can only help you
- Love. Love what you do and love the people that share it with you! Love every single word. (If you don't: CUT IT)
Check out these online resources:
- Susan Dennard has amazing resources for writers, and I highly recommend exploring her website.
- Courtney Summers has an absolutely wonderful section on her Tumblr for writers.
- She also has a "notable entries" section on her old blog, which is highly worth checking out.
- Absolute Write can be a great place to find a critique partner.
- Querytracker is perfect for those of you looking to query soon (great research resource for literary agents
- Get those queries in shape with QueryShark!
- Janet Reid's blog is honest. And she's a literary agent.
- Alexandra Sokoloff's "screenwriting tricks for novelists" blog is invaluable!
- Kathy Temean's Writing and Illustrating blog is a must-subscribe-to for all in the biz.
More coming soon!