Dawn's Journal

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The Beginning - a YA Horror story

There's something sinister in these mountainous hills...

March 2014

March 2014

That was my first thought when I looked into these slate mountains, and it was the first seedling of what was to become my third YA novel: TEETH IN THE MIST. The journey to "the end" was a tough one, and I'll be talking about that a little in the coming months. In the meantime, though, I just want to tell you that I did it. Despite incredible odds, I finished. It's easy to tie our self worth, as artists, to our art. It's easy to feel unworthy unless we are producing, creating, making at all times. It's a dangerous mentality, and completely and utterly untrue. We are all valuable human beings, whether we are creating art or not. I needed that reminder. Still... I FINISHED THE BOOK!!! It is something I can hold in my hands and cry over (trust me, there will be tears).

Much in the same way that writing THE DEAD HOUSE was a massive cathartic act, where I took this trauma I had experienced and put it into a story, something I could close the door on and hold in my hands; something outside of my own head, TEETH IN THE MIST has done the same thing. How amazing, to have experienced this twice! I am profoundly relieved to be on the other side. Whew. Now I can be proud. Now I can acknowledge the dark alleyways I had to navigate to get here. Now I can breathe. 

My badass witch girls are coming to you guys in June 2019. But there is so much to look forward to until then. Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for timely updates and exclusive giveaways and news, and check out my instagram too (I go live there most mornings to chat to you guys). 

She is a shadow upon a midnight river; she is the eye of the storm.
Cover being revealed in September 2018...

Cover being revealed in September 2018...

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